Center for Pharmaceutical Policy, Management, & Service Studies

The Center for Pharmaceutical Policy, Management, and Services Studies (CEPHAS) is a research center dedicated to advancing the field of social and administrative sciences in pharmacy


Including data colletion, data management and analysis, scienes publication

Capacity Building

Include education, training and workshop

Stakeholders Engagement

Include policy brief development, stakeholders meeting, policy advocacy

Public Engagement

Include varrious public events

Starmeds Introduction Video

Our Visions

Creating center of excellecence in researce, capacity building, stakeholder and public engagement in the area of pharmaceutical policy, management and services in indonesia

Our Key Works

Tampilkan hasil kerja dan portfolio pada bagian Our Projects dibawah ini. Ada 4 buah style dengan efek berbeda antara lain Simple, Scaling, Crossing, dan Rising yang bisa dipilih melalui pengaturan tema.
Systematic Tracking of At-Risk Medicines

Systematic Tracking of At-Risk Medicines

The Strengthening of Drug Control System in Indonesia

The Strengthening of Drug Control System in Indonesia

JKN Drugs Governance Study: The Role of BPJS Health in Strategic Purchasing for Medicines

JKN Drugs Governance Study: The Role of BPJS Health in Strategic Purchasing for Medicines

Study on the Availability, Price, and Affordability of Independent Blood Glucose Measuring Device in Indonesia

Study on the Availability, Price, and Affordability of Independent Blood Glucose Measuring Device in Indonesia

Kami Siap Melayani Anda, Kami Terbaik