Center for Pharmaceutical Policy, Management, & Service Studies


Training for Journalist on Medicine Quality

Training for Journalist on Medicine Quality

As part of the STARmeds Study Dissemination agenda, CEPHAS organized a training on medicine quality for 24 journalists in collaboration with Maverick on October 3 2023. Lead by Prof. Yusi Anggriani, Dr Elizabeth Pisani, and Dr Hesty Utami, this training aims to share knowledge on medicine quality issues for journalistic needs.  
Final PEMO (Working Group on Drug Quality Estimation) and Study Dissemination

Final PEMO (Working Group on Drug Quality Estimation) and Study Dissemination

Taking place at Thamrin, South Jakarta, STARmeds organized one-day activities with PEMO (Working Group on Drug Quality Estimation) as the first agenda, followed by the study dissemination afterwards on October 4 2023. At PEMO, one of the topics discussed was input and responses from stakeholders related to the sustainability of the study and the implementation of study lessons learned. Also,...
SAG Meeting (Study Advisory Group)

SAG Meeting (Study Advisory Group)

On October 5 2023, STARmeds held a SAG Meeting as part of the STARmeds dissemination series. This meeting was the fifth meeting in the last three years that aimed to gather various inputs and opinions of policy related to drug quality at the global level experts. The meeting took place in a hybrid setting with Firman Witoelar Kartaadipoetra (Development/health economics,...

Peningkatan Kapasitas dalam Sistem Pengawasan Obat

Selasa, 7 Februari 2023, Pukul 08.30 WIB – selesai The Groove Epicentrum, Ruang EPI 6-7 Topik: Delivering Quality-Assured Medical Products For All oleh Tim WHO Indonesia Surveilans: Sebuah Filosofi Dasar oleh Elizabeth Pisani, M.Sc., MA, PhD Farmakovigilans: Essential Tool untuk Memastikan Keamanan Obat Pembelajaran dari Studi STARmeds (Systematic Tracking of At-Risk Medicines) Andaikan Farmakovigilans [adalah] Sistem Peringatan Dini

Follow-up Study Meeting with The National Social Security Council

As a follow-up to the results of the study “Drug Governance of The National Health Insurance Program The Role of BPJS Kesehatan in Strategic Drug Spending”, the main researcher, Prof. Yusi, was invited as a resource person by BPJS Kesehatan to conduct a focus group discussion with the National Social Security Council.

Diskusi Benchmarking Sistem Pengawasan Obat

Kamis, 12 Januari 2023, Pukul 13.00 WIB – selesai Online Topik: Overview Studi Penguatan Sistem Pengawasan Obat oleh CEPHAS Benchmarking Sistem Pengawasan Obat oleh Roderick L. Salenga, BScPharm, MPH, RPh (WHO Indonesia)

Expert Meeting concerning the Role of Pharmaceutical Policy in the Social Protection Reform

Within the framework of the bilateral relations between Germany and Indonesia, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports the Indonesian Government in implementing the Social Protection reform agenda concerning social health protection. The Head of CEPHAS, Prof Yusi Anggriani was invited to the expert meeting as a...

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Ke-1 Studi Penguatan Sistem Pengawasan Obat

Selasa, 22 November 2022, Pukul 13.00 – Selesai Online Topik: Peredaran obat dan tantangan pengawasan Obat saat ini Tantangan Pengawasan Kualitas Obat Perkembangan farmakovigilans dan pengendalian resistensi antimikroba saat ini
The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

The CEPHAS team, Prof. Yusi Anggriani, Prof. Hesty Utami, Faradiba, Yunita Nugrahani, William Nathanael, attended the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research on November 18-22, 2024, at the Dejima Messe building in Nagasaki, Japan, with the subject ‘Building Just and Sustainable Health Systems Centring People and Protecting the Planet’. The event featured a variety of classes and organized sessions...

Focus Group Discussion Peran BPJS Kesehatan dalam Belanja Kesehatan Strategis, Penanggungjawab atau Petugas Fasilitas Kesehatan (FKTP, FKRTL, Apotek PRB)

Senin/ 24 Oktober 2022, 08.30 – 13.15 WIB Online Pelaksanaan FGD terbagi dalam tiga sesi yang berbeda yaitu : FGD tingkat stakeholder/instansi pemerintahan FGD tingkat penyedia obat JKN (industri farmasi dan distributor farmasi) FGD tingkat pengguna obat JKN (FKTP, FKRTL, dan Apotek PRB)