Center for Pharmaceutical Policy, Management, & Service Studies

Pre-Finalization of Background Study RPJMN 2025-2029 Health Resources Aspect

LOKASI : Yogyakarta

WAKTU : Jumat, 00:18 - 26 Mei 2023
INFO : Prof. Yusi Anggriani, M.Kes. /

To finalize 7 studies as Input Background Study RPJMN 2025-2029 Health Resources Aspect, Bappenas RI supported by WHO Indonesia invited CEPHAS and other study centers to attend the discussion meeting in Yogyakarta. Other centers from FKKMK UGM, CEPHS UI, PKMK FKKMK UGM, SEAFAST IPB, and IMERI UI attended the meeting. The meeting aimed to present each study center’s findings and reports.