Center for Pharmaceutical Policy, Management, & Service Studies

SAG Meeting (Study Advisory Group)

LOKASI : Hotel

WAKTU : Kamis, 11:30 - 5 Oktober 2023
INFO : Prof. Dr. Yusi Anggriani, M.Kes /

SAG Meeting (Study Advisory Group)

On October 5 2023, STARmeds held a SAG Meeting as part of the STARmeds dissemination series. This meeting was the fifth meeting in the last three years that aimed to gather various inputs and opinions of policy related to drug quality at the global level experts. The meeting took place in a hybrid setting with Firman Witoelar Kartaadipoetra (Development/health economics, Australia National University), Kharisma Nugroho (Indonesian Non-Government Organization), Selma Siahaan (Research and Development Center, Ministry of Health), Prof. Yodi Mahendradhata (Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada) and all other SAG members attending online.